Sunday, September 30, 2007

What a slacker.

New blog soon.

Christopher Michael Tucker.

Listen to my MySpace song.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I'd make song lyrics into a title if it wasn't cliche.

I was ridiculously clumsy tonight. First, while drying the dishes, I broke a coffee pot. So then I'm vacuuming up all the glass, I suck up some cords, rip them out of the outlet, turning off my computer and disconnecting the DSL. Smooth, Chris. Smooth. Not a lot else to report from today, except that I'm listening to a lot of Brand New and getting really stoked for the show on the 21st. Oh, and Family Force 5 better announce the winner of the St. Louis contest soon. I was talking with April and Ryne tonight about the difference between scene kids and emo kids, and I feel this thing from sums it up nicely. Plus it's a good filler for my blog.

Scene=a person who is assoiciated with the modern music scene, usually being hardcore/punk rock type music. Pays close attention to the latest fashion trends and usually tries to make their own. Usually has a myspace featuring dinosaurs guns etc. Usually has Long hair on guys and shorter hair on girls which is usually died different colors. Sometimes they are very elitist especially to youths who copy their personal styles. Some fashion trends of scene kids are girl pants, band tee shirts, bandanas, vans, converses, shirts with dinosaurs/guns etc, large sunglasses, polka dots, head bands, large jewelry.

Emo=Person who listens to emotional music, and usually cry and dont mosh at their concerts. Kinda of like goths but less ugly and more emotional. Usually rant about how unfair the world is and how their last boyfriend/girlfriend was the only one they will ever love. Many jokes about them being suicidal but mainly they are doing it for attention.

Many people confuse scene kids and emos b/c they wear similiar clothing and sometimes have similiar styles. Both wear small band tee's they buy at their concerts even though they like different music. Some scence guys wear girl pants as well as some emos making them even more easily confused.

Scence kids and emo kids are very different mainly in the type of music they like and their outlook on life in general. Scence kids are fun and usually are at local concerts/parties. Emo kids are sad and usually stay at home and write poetry and check their myspaces.

Scene kid: "i cant wait to go to my concert and mosh"

Emo kid: "i cant wait to go to my concert and sob at this life's black abyss that is my heart"

Scene kid: "ok...bye"

Well that was fascinating. See ya.

Christopher Michael Tucker

Song of the day: "Sowing Season" by Brand New.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Skinny mean man. Remind you of anyone?

I'm officially entered in the Family Force Five contest now. The show is in 6 days, and needless to say, I'm stoked. First night off the tour too, which is awesome. Oh, and to those of you asking how we got the angle on the pictures, we were up on top of a jungle gym. Tommorow's the end of the first grading period at school. We have 6 of them. Kind of crazy to think the year's already a sixth of the way over, while a lot of you guys are just starting. I have to turn in some late work to bring a couple grades up and really get down to business at school, otherwise my mom will make me miss shows. Yes. Shows are my only motivation to do well at school.

Maxwell Bemis. Familiarize yourself with this name if you haven't already. He's the lead singer of the band Say Anything, who is quickly becoming one of my favorites. The passionate vocals, the dueling guitars, and Bemis' sharp tongue, wow. This guy can write a song like nobody's business. I love frontmen with mental problems. They're my favorite. Oh man, what a band. I'm so glad I got into them. The new album comes out next month, and I can't wait. They released a new song on their myspace tonight, and I'm listening to it for my seventh time now. I suggest you do the same.

I have direction at the start of my writing, and then I always go off on my soapbox. Oh well. It's a comfy soapbox. I rather like it.

Christopher Michael Tucker

Song of the day: "Skinny Mean Man" by Say Anything.
After dedicating an entire paragraph to them, you should probably listen. Let me know what you think too. You'll probably hate it. Then I can tell you why you're wrong. Hooray!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Your dreams were your ticket out.

Hey blog. Reunited and it feels so good. Something like that. Well, I suppose there's not much to report, but I'll stretch my recap of the last couple days to appropriate blog length. The game Friday night was okay. The Cardinals lost, and are now officially eliminated from the playoffs (feel free to leave hate comments Kelly and Hannah). The night wasn't a total losss though, we managed to sit about 10 rows off the field, despite only having standing room tickets. In addition to that, I met Craig Biggio, a future hall of famer, and Mark Mulder who could also be a future hall of famer if his arm ever gets fixed. But enough about that. I'm pretty sure my blog readers are 95% female, so I won't go off on my soapbox about sports.

Saturday, I was supposed to hang out with Allyssa and eat cookies and milk. None of that worked out. We both had colds and her niece was in town, so it was pretty much impossible. We'll hang out soon enough though. I was feeling pretty miserable that day, what with sneezing every nine seconds, plus I had to go run errands with my mom. But hey, I got pizza out of it. Hooray for silver linings.

Today was church and then finally doing my entry for Family Force 5's DancePartyDance contest. You can see it, along with yours truly, in my default on myspace right now. I think it turned out really well, and I have a good feeling I'll be on the bus partying with FF5 around this time next week. The St. Louis scene. It's not huge, it's not really that awesome, but it's ours. Hence, I love it. I wrote my English paper tonight, and I think I may have gotten a bit personal, considering a few of my classmates might read this, but hey. It's me. I'm just being honest and I don't think you can criticize me for that. My favorite line from the paper: "I obviously can’t express my true feelings to anyone but a blank page." And here I am doing that now! Hooray! I said hooray twice in this blog.

Christopher Michael Tucker

Song of the day: "Turn" by Socratic.
These guys are really good. They're in the studio with Mark Hoppus right now, so needless to say, they must have done something right.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I shouldn't title blogs till the end.

Letterman and Leno are on right now. Presidential canidate Joe Biden is on Letterman. Jessica Alba is on Leno. Decisions, decisions. Ok, on to blogging. Today was pretty cool. I got off school at 1:08, same as every Thursday, but this time I actually had something to do besides just going home and getting on myspace. My friend Nicole and I ventured around Maryland Heights searching for a good place to do our Family Force 5 mural for the DancePartyDance contest. We walked on train tracks, across a bit of a scary bridge, ended up at her grandma's at one point watching Jeopardy. Needless to say, we didn't really get anything done. At five o'clock, we settled on a place, and drew something quick, but decided to wait on the real entry till Sunday. It was still fun though. Much better than being at home watching reruns of "Yes, Dear."

TGIF. Almost. I'm going to the Cardinals game tommorow night. I'd rather not. I'd rather be at STL Pwnfest or my friend Kayla's party, but hey, I love my dad. I'll go to the game with him. My weekend's actually pretty full for once, which is cool I guess. At some point, I need to catch up on some homework. I have to bring up my grades so my mom will let me go to some shows in October. With the addition of the Portugal The Man show, I think I have 6 now. So this should be interesting. I'm certainly going to give it a shot.

Time to be a freak. Thomas Paine. He wrote this paper called "Common Sense" way back in the 1700's that encouraged the colonists to break ties with Britain.

I dunno. The look on his face in this painting, the fact that he was a radical, it just makes me want to give him a hug. I just flat out like hugs. So next time you see me, feel free to ask for one. This part of the blog actually had some direction at first, but I've lost it, so I'll wrap this up now. Thanks for reading.

Christopher Michael Tucker

Song of the day: "Bonus Mosh Pt. 2" by Taking Back Sunday.
Do it.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I had a good day. I was more of an extrovert. I had Arby's for dinner. I bought my Brand New Ticket. I bought my Relient K tickets. My day was brightened even more by these smiling faces.

I was productive. I did homework. So what if part of it was to read the sports page. I still did it. I'm sure if I thought long and hard, I could think of something that made today sort of suck, but I'm not really into thinking. At least right now. I like being intellectual, but I could really go for a mindless comedy right now.
For instance.


That's all for now, kids. And semi-adults.

Christopher Michael Tucker.

Song of the day is same as yesterday.
This means you really need to hear it.

The pen is mightier than the blog.

The Used. Wow. Really one of the better shows I've been to in awhile. Or maybe it's just that's it's been so long since I've been to a show. I mean, it was six days. SIX! I'm already wanting another. After one day. ONE! Nonetheless, the show was really sweet. Good bands, a good pit, just good. The people in line behind us came all the way from Indiana. That's actually not too far, but still, out of state. By the time we finally got in there, the pit was filling up, so we decided to wait on that.

Josephine Collective opened, and the music was good, but the two singers acted like jackasses. Taking of their clothes, throwing mics up in the air (and dropping them), touching themselves, it was ugly. Army Of Me was next. They're good, but shouldn't be on a tour like this. After they finished, we ventured into the pit. We worked our way forward via the pushing game, and then through moshing during the Bled. The Bled. If I could describe them in one word, it would be fun. The music isn't always perfect, but you can tell they play music for the music. Oh, and pretty much, they won me over when the lead singer came out with bubbles and silly string. Then, it was time for the piece de resistance, the (not so) holy grail. THE USED.

No fancy backdrop, no model frontman, just rock 'n roll.

They were great, needless to say. There were some psycho hose beasts trying to mosh and get as close to Bert McCracken's genitals as possible, but even that couldn't ruin it for me.

We went outside and stayed till maybe 1:00, but only Dan came out while we were there. Apparently, Bert, Quinn, and Jeph came out later, but I choose not to think about that. I went to bed around 3.

When I woke up at 6, I found out that my mom was sick, it was too late to catch the bus, and thus, I'd be forced to stay home. Schucks. Man oh man, was I upset. Anyway, today was pretty laid back, and I got just a little extra sleep.

Here's a jumble of information. I made a Flickr account today. I am 16 and I have gray hairs. I once used a line from a Relient K song to tell a girl I wasn't interested in her. That's all for now.

Christopher Michael Tucker.

Song of the day: "Taste Of Ink" by The Used.
(I'm done not repeating bands. Oh, and this song is on my page if you want to listen. And you should. It's a classic.)

Sunday, September 16, 2007

It's been awhile, old friend.

I do have a life. It just comes in spurts. I think I've mentioned that before my blog. But it has become apparent to me again, so I feel it's noteworthy. Tommorow night is the Used. I'm prepared to die. So, nice knowing all of you. Although, if you're reading this, I've probably never met you. So hello. Anyway, next three weekends, I have plans already. It's madness. Madness that's good for you.

I don't have much to say. Except I like intellectual conversations. And this is as close as I normally come. This is attempting to discuss politics.

Speaking of President Bush.
Ryne: i think he should just plan stuff a little better
Ryne: speeches.
Ryne: etc.
Me: Not groping his wife on national tv
Me: you know
Ryne: if i had a wife as hot as laura bush. i would grope her too. in front of everyone.

Me: Good Luck Chuck
Ryne: i want to see that too. even though i hate dane cook. jessica alba is reason enough to do anything.
Me: yes
Me: not as much as Laura Bush
Me: but she's good
Ryne: jessica alba is in my top 3
Me: right after laura and nancy pelosi
Ryne: bahahahaha
Ryne: 1. Laura Bush (obviously) 2. Sophia Bush (no really) 3. Jessica Alba
Me: haha
Me: if the president wore a dress
Me: he'd top alba

Oh yes. Muy intellectual.

Christopher Michael Tucker.

Song of the day: "The Car In 20" by The Early November.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

It's interesting getting other perceptions of your voice. Apparently I have an emo voice. And apparently a southern accent as well. I've never noticed these things, not the latter so much anyway. But I don't know. My perception of myself probably isn't accurate. These are things I learn when I talk to people from Minnesota on the telephone. Moving along...

So the last few days, I've been craving really random foods and it was beginning to make me wonder if I'm pregnant. So anyways, today I asked my mom to stop by the store and pick up some of these things. Long story short, I had bratwurst with Easy Mac and lemonade for dinner. It was tasty. Especially when I realized the brats weren't cooked well enough. By that time, I was on my third. I probably have food poisoning now.

I'm getting to where I can take naps at school. That's what I get for staying up till one and getting up at 6 everyday. Today I almost fell out of my chair in AP US History. I was pretty tired. Obviously. Wow, I feel I can share anything with you, blog. You're such a good listener, and you never ridicule me, even when I say the stupidest things. Like this. At 30 years old, I will be Owen Ashworth. Single, alone, and traveling the country with many keyboards. Yes. I can definitely see it. Does anyone have any questions?

Christopher Michael Tucker.

Song of the day: "Nashville Parthenon" by Casiotone For The Painfully Alone.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

College kid.

I went to see David Bazan of Pedro The Lion/Headphones last night at St. Louis University. It was a free show in this little basement cafe, really intimate, which was nice. Casiotone For The Painfully Alone was pretty good. They make me glad I have a really open mind. Then David Bazan came out. He just walked up on stage all unassuming, which was pretty awesome, I must say. He played for maybe an hour and a half, taking questions in between songs, some of which were serious. Most of them however, were more along the lines of, "Why do you rock so hard?!"
David Bazan at SLU.

I wouldn't say the night was really about rock, though. It was just Dave up there with his guitar. Probably the most chill show I've been to. Nothing wrong with that. I needed a show, and this definitely delivered. Another ride home in the mustang was definitely wwelcome as well. In other news, I'm getting tired of typing the word "definitely." I mess up and type "defintiely" every time.

My mind is blank. See blog titled "I need to take notes." Oh, I know something. I'm going to hopefully interview FUSE VJ Steven Smith for my Journalism class. He hosts Steven's Untitled Rock Show and The Sauce. So if this all works out, my list of connections will grow just a little more. Now I just need to get to work on an entourage. Later.

Christopher Michael Tucker.

Song of the day: "Selling Advertising" by David Bazan.
(You guys should listen to these once in awhile.
Maybe I'll start linking you. Tommorow.)

Monday, September 10, 2007

I am a robot.

Sunday, my pastor was talking about how most people and teenagers especially are becoming really complacent and their lives just become a routine that they don't even think about anymore. I can definitely say this is true of me. It's upsetting. There's not a lot I look forward to in life. Everything is so monotonous. That's when I realize the importance of shows in my life. That really is what breaks it up. Lately, other than that, my social life has been fairly limited. But good news. I have a show tommorow night! A free one, no less. It's Pedro the Lion's David Bazan playing at St. Louis University. It oughtta be a good time. The opening band is Casiotone For The Painfully Alone. While I've never listened to them, if their music is half as good as their name, they'll be my new favorite band. Casiotone is a type of keyboard, for all you n00bs out there.

Not a lot else to tell you guys about right now, not that I can recall at 9:19 PM at least. So here's a list of shows that I'm attending, just to make you jealous.

September 11- David Bazan
September 17- The Used, The Bled, Army Of Me
September 30- Amber Pacific, Monty Are I, Machree, The Lush
October 1- Family Force 5, Jonezetta, The Secret Handshake
October 11- Steel Train, Ace Enders, Socratic, Kevin Devine
October 16- Underoath, Every Time I Die, Poison The Well, Maylene & The Sons of Disaster
October 20- Chiodos, Emery, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, The Devil Wears Prada
October 21- Brand New, Thrice, Mewithoutyou
November 9- Switchfoot, Relient K, Ruth
Novemver 11- Spitalfield, The Forecast, The Graduate, Ludo
November 19- Of Montreal
November 23- The Academy Is…, Armor For Sleep, Sherwood, The Rocket Summer
November 27- The Spill Canvas, Meg & Dia, PlayRadioPlay!, New Atlantic
November 30- Big D And The Kids Table, Whole Wheat Bread, Brain Failure
December 11- Motion City Soundtrack, Mae, Anberlin, Metro Station

That's all for now.

Christopher Michael Tucker.

Song of the day: "I Like Marvel, You Like DC" by Superfun Yeah Yeah Rocketship.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

The past is a grotesque animal.

So obviously, I post some introspective and sometimes depressing stuff on here. Apparently, I'm "emo 90% of the time," so I guess that's why a lot of stuff on here is more on the heavy side. But not this blog! Oh no! It's the weekend. There's no time for that sort of tomfoolery now! Let's be serious. And happy. Simultaneously. Yes, it is possible. So here we go.

I like how easy it is to change on the weekend. Or at least plan to change. You put behind you all your failures in the week and pledge to be better. It's just so fantastic. You have no idea how awesome I'm making this upcoming week out to be in my head. Man. It sure is gonna be terrific. Who knows if it really will be. Most likely not but HEY. It's Saturday night. No need to think about that right now. It's Saturday. I'm watching SNL. I'm laughing out loud. I'm having some good, healthy fun. Ok. Carrie Underwood just came on. I'm in a bad place. Ok. I changed the channel. I never thought I'd mention her in my blog. Let's move on. You know what's really good? Of Montreal. Their songs can turn depression into near elation. Be sure to check them out. Does anyone actually listen to my songs of the day? It really doesn't matter, because I'm going to keep posting them anyway. But you really should check them out. Just saying.

Wow, this sure is an unstructured blog. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I have zero attention span right now. Bye.

Christopher Michael Tucker.

Song of the day: "Stuck Between Stations" by The Hold Steady.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Is it progression if a cannibal uses a fork?

It really is the simple things in life. About a year ago, around 50 Wendy's Restaurants closed in the St. Louis area. Today the first one opened back up. And dozens are supposed to reopen in the coming years. You have no idea how happy this makes me.

On a sadder note, what happened to my friends? People always say, "Most of the friends you have in high school, you won't talk to after graduation." I think I'm getting an early start. Some of them I've distanced myself from because of the lifestyles they've chosen. Others I've just grown apart from. I had two best friends in 5th through 8th grade. I barely talk to them anymore and haven't really formed any close relationships with people in high school. Someday, I know I'll have another close relationship. It just seems far off. Same with finding a girl I can relate to. It's all really sad to think about. But whatever, I'm living with it. Tonight, I feel like I've been cursed with a bout of Alexithymia. Either that or writer's block. Either way. This blog is over. Goodnight.

Christopher Michael Tucker.

Song of the day: "We're So Far Away" by Mae.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Getting old.

Don't be surprised if you see me using a walker soon. I wouldn't have minded owning one today. At some point yesterday, I messed up my back pretty badly. I'm not sure if it's a pulled muscle or what, but most of today was spent in bed. It felt like a bone was trying to poke out through the skin. Not fun. But through rest and (legal) drugs, the pain is starting to subside now.

I sprung my newest career plan on my mom at dinner tonight. Basically, it went over like a lead balloon. But whatever, once I'm 18, I have the choice to mess up my life as badly as I want to. As a side note, I'm really missing my hair. Some of you may have seen a bulletin I posted on a website called MySpace lamenting my haircut. I really miss my hair a lot. I was listening to Chiodos yesterday and attempting some serious headbanging, but my hair was barely moving. It's depressing really. Looking at pictures of William Beckett doesn't do me any good either. So I guess I'll hold off on those two things for now. In other news, I'm becoming more and more accepting of ska. I have also learned the true meaning of the word "skank."

So Saturday, I think my friend Nicole and I are going downtown with some sidewalk chalk to do a mural on some building to promote Family Force 5's Dance Rawr Dance Tour. The best mural in each city will win two free tickets to the show, two t-shirts, and a party on FF5's bus after the show. So wish me luck. I think I've divulged enough about my life for one night. See ya.

Christopher Michael Tucker.

Song of the day: "Paralyzed" by The Used.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I need to take notes.

I have all these deep thoughts throughout the day, but when I finally sit down to write my blog, I can't seem to produce any of them. So this blog should be rather bland. It'd be understandable if you skipped ahead to the song of the day. I feel for all you guys just now starting school. I've been at it for a few weeks now, and so far, all I've done is wanted to drop out. Luckily, I'm smart enough to at least graduate high school before going on the road to sell merch for Relient K. Yeah, that's my number one career option right now. I won't need a fallback, oh no. This is golden. It can't fail. Feel free to go along with everything I'm saying. I'll probably like you more.

So Chiodos' new one came out today. If you even kind of like hardcore stuff, pick this album up. Controlled chaos is the best way I can describe it. It's just a really good, complete album. It flows so well. Believe me, I wouldn't lie to you. Well, my mom's bugging me to get off now, so all the thoughts that are coming back to me will have to wait till next blog. Until then...

Chrstopher Michael Tucker.

Song of the day: "Teeth The Size Of Piano Keys" by Chiodos.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Today was necessary.

I really needed a good day. I'd say today fit the bill. We were going to go to the art museum and the zoo. We didn't go to either. So where did we go, you ask? I think a more approprite question is "Where didn't we go?" We basically just drove around in Amanda Gelso's convertible all day. Odds are, if you live in the St. Louis metro area, we came within 5 minutes of your house. We used over half a tank of gas driving all over Missouri and Illinois, mainly Collinsville. I didn't get to see the world's biggest ketchup bottle, but it was still good. I got to paint my name onto some random bridge, so I guess I'm immortalized. At least until it rains. Plus, I met a lot of kids today. That was cool. We spent like 2 hours in Denny's just playing Apples to Apples. I mean, how hardcore is that? Yeah, today was fun.

Today also reaffirmed my love of being on the road. All we were doing most of the day was driving, but I didn't even care. It was fun. Sure, the tape deck in the Le Baron didn't work and we had to listen to the radio, but it was still good. As long as I have some music, I can be on the road for days. I don't really care if I have to eat sauce packets from Taco Bell for sustenance. It's still totally worth it to me. Call me crazy. Or...if this sort of life appeals to you as well, feel free to join me. I prefer not to travel alone. Well, it was nice chatting with you. I'm glad we're pals.

Christopher Michael Tucker.

Song of the day: "What I Got" by Sublime.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

It's not you, it's me.

It seems like if you really want to have a lot of friends, the best idea would be to become a druggie. Sure, you're killing brain cells, and maybe you won't remember everything that happened last night, but hey, you know people. I was contemplating all of this earlier, right before I returned a few phone calls. Both of the people I spoke with answered the phone laughing and I could hear other people in the background. They have friends. Neither are druggies. There's something wrong with me, I'm sure of it. Maybe it's insecurity, considering that last statement. Who knows. I find myself on occasion questioning if I truly have some sort of mental illness or serious problem, and this life I've been supposedly living is something I've created in my mind. I'm such an ameteur at this. No, not blogging. Well I guess a little. But I was talking about living. I really have no idea what I'm doing or who I'm trying to be. Well, good thing I've got awhile to figure all this stuff out. All the 16 years to this point...Practice. Because I say so.

This is quite possibly the most mental blog I've written so far. It's just absurd. I just pour out all the thoughts in my head, all in my blog. Not all in this chapter here, but you get some interesting tidbits for sure. Anyways. Goodnight.

Christopher Michael Tucker.

Song of the day: "Chia-Like, I Shall Grow" by Say Anything.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Anhedonia goes both ways.

The last couple days have been an tiny emotional roller coaster of sorts. The things that have happened would cause a lot of people inner turmoil, but nothing's really affected me that much. Things are happening that should make me feel great sadness and anger and pleasure, but it all just kind of goes past me. I think I'm getting better at handling my emotions, in a sense. This way is kind of a blessing and a curse, but it works for now. I'm getting to be a pretty independent person, which is good considering the ritual I go through with most of my friends, or so it seems. Really, I'm pretty okay with life right now. I'm going to my dad's in just a few. But first I'm going to Bob Evans' for breakfast/lunch. I suppose that would be brunch. Or something. So that's pretty good. I'll be back late Sunday night, so if you need to chat, just check aim or message me on myspace. It's not like I'll have anything to do. Hope you atre all doing well.

Christopher Michael Tucker

Song of the day: "Big Trucks" by Pedro The Lion.