Thursday, August 30, 2007


If you think about Weezer when you read the title of this blog, I applaud you fiercely. If you think of Green Day...meh. You're an alright kid. You are reading my blog after all. Well, let's get down to business. I love Thursdays. Who cares if our schedule is whack? We get out at 1:08. I know you're just a little jealous. I could twist this next sentence and throw in an RK quote, but I vote no. Speaking of Relient K, "The Best Thing" is apparently being used on commercials for NBC's fall lineup (thanks for the heads up, Ryne). It's being played off as "NBC's new fall lineup is The Best Thing!" It's so cheesy and terrible. At least they're getting exposure. Any little bit here and there is good.

I'm looking so forward to fall. One of the essentials for emo dress is layering. And I just can't bring myself to wear a blazer in 97 degree weather, as hard as I try. So as soon as it hits 69, oh man. I'll be looking sharp. Or at least I'll perceive myself as looking sharp, which is what really counts in the long run I suppose. Actually, right now, I'm wearing a hoodie here in my house. Yes, the hood is up. I'm so lame. But at least I accept it and am content with it. Which makes me awesome, at least through my twisted logic.

Well it's Thursday. And I have a four day weekend. So I'm really happy, and I already have one thing planned too. It looks like I'll be going to the art museum and being trendy. After that, I think we're going to the zoo, which is definitely more my speed. Well, I guess that's all I have to say for now. Oh, and a side note, I hope you're feeling better Kelly. Thanks for, everybody.

Christopher Michael Tucker

Non Ben Kweller song of the day: "So, In This Hour" by the Rocket Summer.
Ben Kweller song of the day: "BK Baby" Still.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Better late than never.

Here's my blog for August 29. So what if there's only an hour left in the day. Today was long. One and a half hour classes suck, especially going on less than five hours sleep. But I had to stay up and watch the Almost on Kimmel. Can you blame me? They sounded okay, but Aaron's vocals never sound that amazing live. Moving along. Speaking of moving along, Ellen Degeneres is on Letterman and she keeps talking about getting a mammogram. Anyway.

Today, I basically celebrated Ben Kweller's existence. He's all I listened to all day basically. I watched about 50 BK vids on youtube. And here's an interesting tidbit...Today, anytime someone asked me what I was up to tonight, my response was always the same: "Having dinner with Ben Kweller. Just me and him hanging out." This usually prompted a response along the lines of, "Who?" Which really is a sad commentary on my friends. At least from my perspective, but whatever. I'm still upset I missed that show and I will be for quite some time. I might be going to the Femme Fatality show on Friday, which won't make up for BK, but it is a show. And I think you all know I can't get enough of those. It's really odd. As I've immersed myself in Kweller's music the last 2 days, I've realized how drawn to him I am. Right now, I'd say he's in my top 5 favorites ever. Obviously this list changes a lot, but I think Kweller should have pretty good staying power. The fact he got there in the first place says something in itself. But enough about Ben.

Tommorow is my last day of school for the week. I have Friday off and Monday as well. So that'll be nice. Plus, we get off at 1:08 tommorow. Then I can just come home and forget everything I should probably be doing with my life. You know what I've noticed? When it gets later and later, I just get more hyper and more talkative. I also think more about my life and if it really is a complete waste at this point. I know it isn't. You don't have to encourage me. Did I mention I get more and more nonsensical the later it gets? Oh well. Do I want to post this now or wait till the morning to see if this all makes sense? I vote now. Anyone who knows who I just plagiarized, I salute you.

Christopher Michael Tucker.

Song of the day: "Three Cheers For Five Years" by Mayday Parade.
(But if I'm being honest, it's "BK Baby" by Ben Kweller.)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

So much feeling.

Yet again, I have missed a show. So I was mad when I missed Sullivan. I like them a lot. But Ben Kweller is an idol to me. He's in the same class with Conor Oberst as far as singer/songwriters. And Kweller's stuff is all so timeless and brilliantly simple. I love it. So missing him is a huge blow. I constantly have a lot of emotions built up inside me, and all it takes is one thing to bring it all to a head. That's what happened tonight. I came to a point where I could've cared less if someone broke into my house and shot me in the head. Except it would hurt. I'd object to that. But otherwise, I'd be totally down for it. Here's crazy ideas that are rattling around in my head.

I want to drop out of high school. I wish I were stupid enough to do it. I want to move out and start writing songs. I want to be on the road for the rest of my life, playing shows a few hundred kids every night. Heck. I'd take 10 kids. I was born to drive around the country playing shows. Homelessness appeals to me. This dream combines my love of music and my tendency to alienate friends after a little while. If I let people in too much, I scare them away. I feel I'm doomed to repeat that the rest of my life. Driving around playing shows, you have dozens of new friends every night. I wouldn't have to let them in, not even a little. The shallow connections every night would be enough for me. I don't care how ridiculous or childish this sounds. I'm more serious about this than I've ever been. After high school, I'm gone.

I don't know how to express myself. Or how to live. I feel like such an ameteur at everything right now. I'm not even reading this over to see what I typed. I'll regret it later. Ben Kweller dropped out of high school. He turned out all right. Living the dream. My dream. Talk to you all soon. Thanks for listening to my immature rambling and not mocking me for it.

Christopher Michael Tucker

Song of the day: "Poison Oak" by Bright Eyes.


Mayday Parade was just what the doctor ordered. When I don't get shows, I stop living. Not physically of course, but all passion about anything and everything in this life dies. I become a pitiful shell of a person. Criticize that all you want. But not yet. This is the positive blog. Give me a bit so I can write the negative one. Then bring on the criticism.

So moving right along. Mayday was great. Charlemagne opened. They were amusing. I mean that in a negative connotation. Four Year Strong from Massachusetts was next, and they played a cool set. It was their last night on the tour, and during one of the songs Mayday ran out and danced and picked them up on their shoulders. It was quite a sight. Mayday Parade was next. And wow. They were really good. They played all of what I really wanted them to, including 3 songs off the EP. My favorite was "Your Song." It just sounded so good. As I Lay Dying was next and they did terrific as I expected. Alesana, much like Charlemagne, was amusing. The matching outfits, hyper screaming, oh my, was it ever a mess. Well the show finished up and me and Hope went hunting for Mayday, especially Derek, who we found outside after a few minutes of waiting. We took pictures with him and left.

The ride home deserves a seperate paragraph. I rode home in a red, 2007, ford mustang convertible. Top down, of course. As the arch came into sight and we drove across the bridge, Taking Back Sunday blaring in the speakers, I was content with life. Either that, or just numb. Whatever it was, it was wonderful. I needed this show.

I love my aftershow routine. Taco Bell. Looking through pics and videos from the show. The aftershow shower, leaving the x's on my hands fairly unscathed. The clothes smelling of smoke and sweat. They smell like a show. I think that's my favorite smell in the world. I like it more than the smell of gasoline even. Well now that you're weirded out, I'll bring this happy blog to an end. See you in a few.

Christopher Michael Tucker.

Song of the day: "Summer Skin" by Death Cab For Cutie.

Monday, August 27, 2007


Today at school was anything but. That's in the past though. Let's never speak of it again. Deal? Deal. So I rode home with Kevin and Josh today and we hung out at my house eating popsicles and watching videos on youtube. They left about 45 minutes ago. So I called Hope to see if we were still going to Mayday. Score. Rides and cash and everything worked out. Sweet. If Ben Kweller works out tomorrow night, this week will be good. Plus, no school Friday or Monday. That's all for now. Oh, and thanks to Meg for stealing my song of the day idea. Jerk. Just kdding.
See ya.

Christopher Michael Tucker.

Song of the day: "Run" by Ben Kweller

Sunday, August 26, 2007

2 out of 3. I hope.

Well so much for seeing 3 shows in 3 days. I've talked to a good 7 or 8 people today and no one can go see Sullivan tonight. Plus, my mom's bumper is falling off the car, hence it taking an hour for us to get home from church. That could make it tricky getting to Mayday Parade tomorrow. If I miss that, I'm going to be officially furious. Right now I'm frustrated, but not losing my mind. There'll be higher points of anger, say around the time the show actually starts. Trust me, I'll be watching the clock. I did get invited to 2 friends' houses. But one has family over, the other won't work because they're only going to be there another hour. Today is forgettable.

Sorry for the sad blogs as of late. I say that as if I'm a seasoned veteran here on blogspot, which as you all know, I'm not. Hmm. Writers usually mask sadness or anger with humor. Time to lighten the mood. Want to hear about how I'm losing my mind? Okay! The other day, while walking through Target, I heard someone shout "Hey!" and heard loud, rapid footsteps. Now in my brain, for some reason unbeknownst to me, I imagined a man running up behind me and grabbing me in an attempt to kidnap me. Now some people would get really paranoid and afraid with that sort of thinking. Apparently not me. I actually turned around in hopes that the scenario in my head was coming to pass. I wanted someone to try me. I wanted to turn around and punch that nut in the face as hard as I could. I wanted dramatics. Okay, so maybe that was less funny, and more ludicrous. But I thought it might interest you. All you wanna-be psychologists, feel free to analyze this. I don't have a lot else to say right now, but if anything else interesting comes up, I'll be sure to let all of you-who could probably care less-know.

Christopher Michael Tucker.

Song of the day: "Rapture" by Pedro The Lion.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Do You Feel?

I love The Rocket Summer. I'm so glad I became accepting enough of pop to try him out. "Do You Feel" makes me really think about how I've felt and lived over the last few months. My life has been mundane and pointless, or so it seemed. I was going around doing stupid stuff and acting ridiculous just trying to feel anything. I mean, it got to the point where even rejection was okay, because it was something definite and real. I used to think I knew what I was doing in this life. Man, I was a funny kid. I'm not really sure where I got that idea, but it was so moronic, I just look back at that and chuckle. I even thought I had girls figured out for awhile . I'll pause and let you stop laughing...Ok. Enough.

Well enough about that. I'm dumb. I think you got that. Last night at the Cardinals game was not that enjoyable. There was an hour and fifteen minute rain delay, we sat around drunken hicks (more than usual anyway), and we lost 7-2. It was pretty ugly. But it was better than being at home, so whatever. And I didn't miss a show to be there. I'm going to my Dad's, leaving in about 11 minutes, so I suppose I should wrap this blog up. I'll leave you with my favorite part of the title track of the new TRS album. It's not quite the same without feeling the passion in his voice, but you'll get the picture.

"I guess my mind wanders off
from time to time
Sometimes I convince myself
that all is fine in the world
It's not mine
Why should I
have to try
to fix things I didn't create or contrive?"

Christopher Michael Tucker.

Song of the day: "F-Stop" by Sullivan.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Jumping on the old bandwagon.

Everyone of importance seems to have a blog on here, and I read said blogs religiously. Now personally, when I read something, I like to give my input and you know maybe comment about it. So here I am, blogspot account in hand, ready to comment on the daily escapades of the Relient K boys and fellow J-snagers. I really have nothing better to do. And sure, I'm following a little RK trend by making one of these, but hey, I don't advocate everything they do. For instance, you will certainly never see me chugging a vitamin water. I'm going to hopefully post here fairly regularly, so anyone that has no life, or just really likes hearing about mine, feel free to check in frequently. This way, my myspace won't be cluttered with blogs constantly. I'll save it for the big stuff. Well. To me anyways.

So I suppose I'll get started with my little ritual. Today was ok. It's Friday, which always gives me some joy, which I don't feel a lot of anymore, so it's nice. I'd be lying if I said I didn't do a little skip off the bus. Tonight I'm going to the Cardinals game, and I think I'm going to enjoy it a lot more than the last few times. I'm always missing a show to go lately. First Manchester Orchestra, then Jesse Lacey, and I'm missing STL PWNFEST 2007 on 9/21. I love baseball, but lately it's been getting in the way. Well speaking of shows, I'm hopefully seeing three in three days starting Sunday. Sunday is Sullivan, Monday is Mayday Parade, and Tuesday is Bem Kweller. Saturday I'll be at my dad's, which basically finishes filling my weekend.

You know what I abhor? (Look it up, fools.) Whenever I'm super busy is when people start wanting to hang out with me all of a sudden. For instance. This weekend is packed, as I've said, and I've been invited to a movie and the science center (which isn't lame, for you out of towners). Any other weekend I'd be here at my house wishing I had something to do, and trying to create some speck of a life for myself. But whatever. I do have a life. It just comes in clumps. Really poorly timed clumps. Anyways, I have a lot more thoughts in my head I'd like to share, but I can't seem to summon them at the moment. In addition to that, I need to start getting ready for tonight. Plus, Blink 182 is sounding pretty good right now and my air guitar is beckoning. So I guess that wraps it up. See you sooner.

Christopher Michael Tucker.

Song of the day: "Sugar Skulls" by Envy On The Coast.
