Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Better late than never.

Here's my blog for August 29. So what if there's only an hour left in the day. Today was long. One and a half hour classes suck, especially going on less than five hours sleep. But I had to stay up and watch the Almost on Kimmel. Can you blame me? They sounded okay, but Aaron's vocals never sound that amazing live. Moving along. Speaking of moving along, Ellen Degeneres is on Letterman and she keeps talking about getting a mammogram. Anyway.

Today, I basically celebrated Ben Kweller's existence. He's all I listened to all day basically. I watched about 50 BK vids on youtube. And here's an interesting tidbit...Today, anytime someone asked me what I was up to tonight, my response was always the same: "Having dinner with Ben Kweller. Just me and him hanging out." This usually prompted a response along the lines of, "Who?" Which really is a sad commentary on my friends. At least from my perspective, but whatever. I'm still upset I missed that show and I will be for quite some time. I might be going to the Femme Fatality show on Friday, which won't make up for BK, but it is a show. And I think you all know I can't get enough of those. It's really odd. As I've immersed myself in Kweller's music the last 2 days, I've realized how drawn to him I am. Right now, I'd say he's in my top 5 favorites ever. Obviously this list changes a lot, but I think Kweller should have pretty good staying power. The fact he got there in the first place says something in itself. But enough about Ben.

Tommorow is my last day of school for the week. I have Friday off and Monday as well. So that'll be nice. Plus, we get off at 1:08 tommorow. Then I can just come home and forget everything I should probably be doing with my life. You know what I've noticed? When it gets later and later, I just get more hyper and more talkative. I also think more about my life and if it really is a complete waste at this point. I know it isn't. You don't have to encourage me. Did I mention I get more and more nonsensical the later it gets? Oh well. Do I want to post this now or wait till the morning to see if this all makes sense? I vote now. Anyone who knows who I just plagiarized, I salute you.

Christopher Michael Tucker.

Song of the day: "Three Cheers For Five Years" by Mayday Parade.
(But if I'm being honest, it's "BK Baby" by Ben Kweller.)


Blogger AE said...

you are lucky. I go to school on friday. blehhhh.
ellen degeneres freaks me out.
and i cant get over of how young ben looks. haha

August 29, 2007 at 10:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:08? They couldn't just round it up to ten past?

August 30, 2007 at 11:17 AM  
Blogger Hannah said...

The Almost was on last night?! Ahh! I almost always look for bands on late shows, and the one time I don't, I miss them.

August 30, 2007 at 11:33 AM  

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