The feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best.
Man. You know, if it wouldn't seem silly to post a huge mushy blog about how love feels, I'd definitely tell you. I'd at least try. I'd mention how you can't stand to be apart from this person for more than a few minutes. I'd talk about how you can be laying right next to the person, and still not be close enough. I'd probably say something about how just when you think you can't possibly fall more in love, you do. And continue to. How every time you see the person, the feeling gets even stronger. I'd talk about how all you want to do is write this person the sweetest, most tender-hearted love letter, but you know nothing you can ever say will possibly convey all the feelings you have for the person. It's amazing just to realize how much emotion and love exists inside of you. I'd try to explain how just being with this person can turn a seemingly trivial and somewhat meaningless day into one of the most wonderful ones you've ever had. I'd tell you about how it seems as if you will never, ever get sick of this person, even if you spent an eternity with them. You probably couldn't really comprehend all that. I mean. The thought that no one and nothing in this world matters more. How all you want to do is make this person happy. The feeling that you get when you look the person in the eyes, and you both know. The feeling that the best you can do is to try to make that person feel as happy as they make you (and they don't even try!). It's such a crazy, wonderful feeling. I wish I could tell you about it, and not seem like a sappy, blubbering idiot, but I probably would, and I mean, you guys would probably vomit a few sentences in, so I'll just keep all these feelings between me and Hope. That would be a silly blog anyways. Ha!
Christopher Michael Tucker
Christopher Michael Tucker
I love you times infinity.
You already know that though.
I can't wait for forever to start.
This totally made me smile.
So jealous of your relationship!
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