Monday, May 5, 2008

I support animal testing. I'd kill a kitten to save a human being.

Those are lyrics by a great band called the Andrew Jackson Jihad. I agree with that statement too. Smart. Makes sense. So I stayed home from school today. I was already feeling like crap yesterday, and then I guess my mental state sort of went to hell as well, and nothing had improved by this morning, so I got to stay home. But this Monday, it was because I'm actually ill, not because I had a huge project due that I hadn't even started, like last Monday.

I didn't really do much all day. Slept a lot, thought a lot, listened to a lot of Tegan and Sara. Tonight I've been watching video clips from last night's show and getting sad. I don't know why I do this to myself, but I do. And I think it's necessary. It shouldn't be healthy, but I think it is. But enough about that. Here's some interesting stuff.

Wouldn't it be weird being in a band with other dudes and renting a hotel room? Think about it. 4 20-something year olds walking up to the desk to an attractive female clerk and asking for a room. A single room. I was going to follow that statement with, "I'd always feel compelled to be the guy going,'We're not gay or anything. No orgies here! We're just some straight dudes in a band.'" But then I realized that saying such a thing would be a display of insecurity about my sexuality. So for the record, it wouldn't be weird at all, and I would not mention any details about my relationship to the men I was with to the attractive clerk at the front desk. So there.

So my mom saw a movie the other night featuring a scene where a mother walked in on her son and his girlfriend having sex. Earlier this evening she told me that she had a dream where she walked in on me and my girlfriend (who doesn't exist) doing it. Obviously, she was mortified, and said something like, "Don't you know how dangerous this is?!" To which I responded, "Well, I always use a condom." To which she responded, "ALWAYS?!" I don't really know the significance of this, or why I am posting about it. I guess I know I'll look back and read these in the future and want to know what was going on in my life.

A lot of things I do are for posterity. I take pictures and dream about looking back on them in twenty years. I document every band I see. I try to document major life events somehow. I go see bands I don't even like, because I know in future decades, I'll be able to say, "I saw them." And people will care. A perfect example of this is the Radiohead concert coming up in 9 days. I like about three songs by that band. Quite frankly, I think they're extremely overrated, but seeing as how the general consensus is exactly the opposite, I will pay the absurd amount of 35 dollars to sit on the lawn to hear (and vaguely see) them. Ridiculous.

Not a lot else going on at the current time. Oh, I think I may be going on my first real vacation ever this summer, flying on a plane and all, thanks to the money Bush is giving everyone. I'm going to try to incorporate some kind of out of town show into this, not sure who or when, but I'm on the lookout. If you see or hear about anything good, let me know. That's all for now. Happy excuso to drinko day.

Christopher Michael Tucker

Tegan and Sara- "The Con"
I think I can relate to their music because they have problems with the same sex I do. Okay, I was just being cute there. Haha.


Blogger Brittany said...

someone suggested listening to Andrew Jackson Jihad today and I decided I might as well check them out.. I heard the first song on their myspace and heard the kitten part, and remembered this blog.

May 18, 2008 at 5:21 PM  

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